Tuesday, December 1, 2009

SaviorServe Opportunity - Landscaping at Arrowhead Elementary

Below is an e-mail we received requesting service through SaviorServe. If your group is interested in taking on this project, please contact Susan Briggs at sbriggs@firstnorfolk.org or 466.5181.

Thank you for reaching out to the community through your SaviorServe mission. It takes all citizens pulling together to help one another strengthen and grow. With pride in your organization, I am moved by your group's energy and dedication to giving back the community this Christmas.

Our need...
As you know, many cities throughout our nation are struggling with massive budget shortfalls. What often is cut is funding for grounds and road maintenance and this is evident on the grouds of our schools. Therefore, community volunteer groups are looked upon to help, and most often help without being asked. However, it is found that if one group works alone, it can be tapped quickly of it's volunteer energy. So, thankfully, our school is happy to receive your assistance.

Our Arrowhead Elementary School grounds could use some volunteer hours and extra mulch placed in the planting areas. The Carolanne Farms Civic League donated and planted new bushes, flowers, border plants, and rearranged several established border and evergreen plants. However there is more to be done.

What I advocate for our community's Arrowhead Elementary school is that we take up your group offer to help the community in the way of redistributing some plants, attack some weed issues that has grown since the last thin layer of mulch was applied by City, and if possible, apply an additional layer of mulch to keep the weeds from reemerging.

For photos of what has been done thus far, you can visit www.cafcivicleague.blogspot.com.

You may contact me, Brenda Armitage at 714-2772 as I will happily share what has been done and what other items still need to be addressed.

The address of the school is 5549 Susquehanna Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. The phone number is 648-2040. Please advise what dates work best for your group and I will confer with the princinple of Arrowhead Elementary, Ms. Constance James.

Warmly and sincerely,


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