Tuesday, December 1, 2009

SaviorServe is Here!

SaviorServe is the ministry of our church that continues those contacts established at Big Serve. The goal is for all small groups and individuals to serve during the month of December.
The list below is a sample of the opportunities that exist. Live the mission!

Opportunities in December

November 15th—December 20th—Wish lists from Union Mission Food Drive are available in the Live the Mission Center & at the Welcome Center for our church to support the mission. Donations will be received outside of the Live the Mission Center in the donation baskets.

December 3rd, 2:30 PM—Bobbitt Apartments Christmas Party—Games, food, & storytelling will be hosted for the residents by our Young at Heart ministry. To volunteer, contact Jo Rush at gojotoo@yahoo.com.

December 3rd, 7 PM—Gosnold Apartments Birthday Party for Jesus—Our chefs & other volunteers will tell the Christmas story & share cake/ice cream. To volunteer, contact Bob Williams at robertwilliams@prodigy.net.

December 7th—21st—Donate, prepare, & deliver toys with Outreach for Christ Toy Drive. To volunteer, contact Judi Hoosier at 498-4700 or ofc@outreachforchrist.org.

December 15th, 10 AM—Coronado Christmas Celebration—We have the privilege of hosting the young ladies & their administrators at First Baptist Norfolk for a wonderful time of food & focus upon the true meaning of this season. To volunteer, contact Pam Tanner at ptanner@cpcot.org.

December 19th—Cloverleaf Apartments Christmas Party—Games, food, & sharing of the Christmas story will be hosted for the residents by our Winning Walk Class and the Students from Chesapeake Fellowship. To volunteer, contact Barbara Harvey at phil4-13@usa.net.

December 20th—Gosnold Apartments Christmas Party—Join us for food, music provided by our orchestra, & a message. To volunteer, contact Bob Williams at robertwilliams!prodigy.net.

We have contacted many other local agencies with offers of service & updated opportunities may be found on www.bigserve247.org. Any other questions may be directed to Susan Briggs at sbriggs@firstnorfolk.org or 466.5181.

Be sure to visit www.bigserve247.org!

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