Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gosnold testimony

I just returned from an evening at the Gosnold apartments. This ministry has been meeting every Thursday evening for over two years. It is a housing facility for people who were chronically homeless for over a year. Bob Williams has been the visionary behind the ministry, but others have joined him in his vision and they are making quite a difference in the lives of the people.

Every two steps that I took this evening, I was approached by one of the residents about a spiritual need or a prayer request. Many of them have mental issues, addiction issues, or severe life experiences. Despite all of this, they come to us and trust us. They know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we love them. It has taken a long time. We were not always accepted. But we are making a difference.

I spoke with many of the volunteers tonight and encouraged them in the work that they are doing. They are loving people with the love of Christ. They are Jesus to a people who see very little of Jesus at any other time. Whether they call bingo, circulate speaking with the residents, have a birthday party for Jesus, or simply speak an encouraging word. . .every little thing counts. We have sown seeds of the gospel regularly for two years now and the fruit is beginning to appear.

Before leaving this evening, a resident named B. pulled me aside to ask prayer for her older parents who have divorced and remarried other people. E. also sought prayer. Her arthritis is debilitating. She looked at me tonight and said directly, "The only person that can help me is Jesus. Please pray for me." So I did just that. Many others laughed and joked with me about my Spanish speaking experiences. It was a sincere time of fellowship among people whose lives are deeply troubled much of the time.

In the parking lot, a leader shared with me that another resident who has visited our church had given an offering to the Reach Beyond goal of our church. A person who is struggling to pay $50 per month for rent, gave an offering to our church as we seek to reach more people with the Gospel! He also shared about how our members are growing in leadership as they have taken responsibilities. So many are finding a place of service and growing in ways that we never expected. The ministry is multiplying and reaching out to other areas (like the Cloverleaf).

It is late and my words are dwindling. Suffice it to say, I have cried some this evening. Not because I am sad, but because I get to see such incredible manifestations of the glory of the body of Christ! I get to see God moving in the lives of people that most others have forgotten. I get to see disciples growing and multiplying the faith.

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