Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Live the Mission, Be a Missionary

We are a people who are very programmatic. We like to have everything in its place and have all of the answers. While our culture dictates such, does the Bible present such examples? It seems like the example of scripture is much different.

People who had met Jesus had to tell others about Him. Not after some elaborate training exercise, but naturally going to their circles of influence and reaching people with the saving power of the Gospel. That is what I saw recently as I traveled many hours from the USA and visited housechurches that are growing and multiplying because their people have accepted the fact that they are ministers of the Gospel. Not just the trainer who leads their group, but them. They serve, they suffer, they rejoice, they. . .live the mission.

I am praying for a core group in our Church who are ready to extravagantly love God by living the mission in Hampton Roads. I don't know exactly what it will look like, but I am confident that we will never be the same.

Where is your mission field? If it is only once per year, hundreds of miles away. . .go back and read Acts 1:8. God doesn't just want seasons of your life, He wants your life. Those who are ready to reach Hampton Roads are invited to join me for coffee and begin praying earnestly for the next step as you live the mission.

Still praying for laborers in the harvest,
Craig Clayton

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