Monday, August 17, 2009

Chef's for Jesus

One of the many bright spots in our missions ministry is a growing group of people who are using their gifts for God's glory. Dennis is a Chef who is a member of our Church and works in Town Center, Virginia Beach. Several months ago, he accepted an invitation to visit the Gosnold apartments. Once he visited. . .he was hooked! He has been leading cooking demonstrations for the residents for close to a year now. He humbly shared with me yesterday that it seems so simple. He just uses his natural talents to share with others and through such a natural demonstration, God works in the lives of people in need.

Pray for Dennis as he is mentoring other Chefs. We are praying that they can work with our other multi-housing and subsidized housing ministries very soon.

Pray that God will continue to raise up laborers for the harvest who take their natural gifts and use them for God's glory!

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