Wednesday, August 26, 2009


In an effort to bridge the gap between International and Local Missions we are challenging our people to seek a people group in Hampton Roads and find a way to minister to that group. Many of our members have been on International journeys, but have never made the connection that there are people from that same culture living right here in Hampton Roads. We want to challenge our members to truly be Missionary Followers of Christ by engaging those groups and seeking to minister to them. This will look differently for every group, but we are confident that God has called and equipped us to reach them with the Good News by giving us His Spirit (Acts 1:8).

What does this look like?
You covenant with us- You step forward and say that you will begin with a 6 month commitment to read, study, and serve among another culture in Hampton Roads.
We covenant with you- We commit to train, encourage, and guide you as you seek to reach this group.

What is the goal? The Great Commission calls us to make disciples. The greatest way to do so is in the context of a Church. This may be our church or a church plant. We walk by faith and trust God in the process. (1 Corinthians 3:6)

For more information contact Curt Breland at or 461.3226

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