Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Project Comfort

Our Project Comfort ladies never cease to amaze me. Over the last week I have watched them send off a young lady named Candace who they have taken under their wing. They have stayed by her side as she made her profession of faith two weeks ago, they cheered her on as she was baptized, and then they had a send off for her on Tuesday as she prepares to go to college.

You would think that all of the quilts, pillows, and other sewing projects that they have made to minister to others in our local hospitals would be sufficient. . .They continue to seek new ways to Love God, Love Others, and Live the Mission.

If you would like to be a part of what God is doing at Project Comfort, contact Susan at or 461.3226 for more information.


In an effort to bridge the gap between International and Local Missions we are challenging our people to seek a people group in Hampton Roads and find a way to minister to that group. Many of our members have been on International journeys, but have never made the connection that there are people from that same culture living right here in Hampton Roads. We want to challenge our members to truly be Missionary Followers of Christ by engaging those groups and seeking to minister to them. This will look differently for every group, but we are confident that God has called and equipped us to reach them with the Good News by giving us His Spirit (Acts 1:8).

What does this look like?
You covenant with us- You step forward and say that you will begin with a 6 month commitment to read, study, and serve among another culture in Hampton Roads.
We covenant with you- We commit to train, encourage, and guide you as you seek to reach this group.

What is the goal? The Great Commission calls us to make disciples. The greatest way to do so is in the context of a Church. This may be our church or a church plant. We walk by faith and trust God in the process. (1 Corinthians 3:6)

For more information contact Curt Breland at or 461.3226

GroupServe Newsletter - September

Group Serve is the ministry of our church that continues those contacts established at Big Serve. The goal is for all small groups and individuals to serve a minimum of once per month in the
community. The list below is a sample of the opportunities that exist. Live the mission!

New Opportunity in September:

Catalyst Team—We are searching for a few good men and women to begin to prayerfully engage
people groups and affinity groups around Hampton Roads with the Gospel. We have had a wonderful summer on mission, but we need to find ways to bring that experience home and live the mission where we live. Contact Curt Breland at or 461.3226.

Ongoing Ministries:

Hope for the Hungry—This group is seeking classes and individuals to serve at the Union Mission to provide supplementary ministry to those seeking shelter and food. Regular opportunities exist on
Sundays at 7:15 AM. Contact Jay Coulter at

Gosnold Apartments—Weekly ministry at Gosnold Apartments continues on Thursday nights.
Individuals and groups are invited to serve this group of our population who have been chronically homeless. Contact Bob Williams at

Cloverleaf Apartments—Ministry opportunities are beginning to open with the residents of this facility. Contact the Winning Walk class or Ethel Breland at

Bobbitt Apartments—The Young at Heart Ministry has adopted our work at Bobbitt and they are now assisting on one Thursday afternoon per month at this facility. This ministry consists of a brief bingo game and Bible study. Contact Jo Rush at

Coronado School—Volunteers are always needed for special events, mentoring, and donation
distribution. Contact Julie Orts at

Block Party Ministry—If you are interested in serving with our block party opportunities or would like to sponsor one in your neighborhood, contact Susan Briggs at

Crisis Pregnancy Center—Classes are encouraged to visit the Keim Center and support their ministry. They will be available in the Live the Mission Center each Sunday of October. Visit or call 410.9703.

Be sure to visit
for testimonies, updated opportunities to serve, and more!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rock 'n' Roll 1/2 Marathon - September 6th

Chesapeake Fellowship will be heading out to live the mission on Sunday, September 6th. Anyone from First Baptist Norfolk (or anywhere! :) is welcome to help!!!


There will be no Worship or Bible Study at Greenbrier Middle School as we head out into our community to share the love of Jesus at the Rock ‘n’ Roll 1/2 Marathon!

the Rock ’n’ Roll 1/2 Marathon Team as they run for ZoĆ«!
[Make donations online at Sign up to help at the Expo Thursday-Saturday and/or be a prayer partner for a runner & an OMS family.]

at the water station! To sign-up, go to:
[We need 60 volunteers for Water Station #2 from 6 AM until around 8:30 AM. When you sign up online, race day instructions & a parking pass will be sent to you by mail.]

REACH OUT to others at our beach tent just past Charity Village at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront during & after the marathon!
[Set-up the “Refresh Your Feet” station, wash feet, & other outreach opportunities from 7 AM—1 PM.]

with evangelism training & prayer
[Sunday, August 30th at 11 AM at
Chesapeake Fellowship.]

Carpooling and early arrival are encouraged for ALL volunteer opportunities.

a Salt-N-Light T-shirt!
[Purchase one for $5 at the SNL table Sunday.
Limited sizes available.]

TO VOLUNTEER, VISIT THE SNL TABLE at Chesapeake Fellowship on SUNDAY! OR, if you do not go to Chesapeake Fellowship and want to sign up for anything other than the Water Station (you can sign up for that online), e-mail Susan Briggs at

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Live the Mission, Be a Missionary

We are a people who are very programmatic. We like to have everything in its place and have all of the answers. While our culture dictates such, does the Bible present such examples? It seems like the example of scripture is much different.

People who had met Jesus had to tell others about Him. Not after some elaborate training exercise, but naturally going to their circles of influence and reaching people with the saving power of the Gospel. That is what I saw recently as I traveled many hours from the USA and visited housechurches that are growing and multiplying because their people have accepted the fact that they are ministers of the Gospel. Not just the trainer who leads their group, but them. They serve, they suffer, they rejoice, they. . .live the mission.

I am praying for a core group in our Church who are ready to extravagantly love God by living the mission in Hampton Roads. I don't know exactly what it will look like, but I am confident that we will never be the same.

Where is your mission field? If it is only once per year, hundreds of miles away. . .go back and read Acts 1:8. God doesn't just want seasons of your life, He wants your life. Those who are ready to reach Hampton Roads are invited to join me for coffee and begin praying earnestly for the next step as you live the mission.

Still praying for laborers in the harvest,
Craig Clayton

Monday, August 17, 2009

Love thy neighbor

We received this message from a local agency that we have worked with. It is not a Christian ministry effort, but the love of Christ may be shared in word and deed while participating.

Operation Blessing U.S. Disaster Relief is currently working in Norfolk, VA in response of the flash flooding Last week, flash flooding damaged several homes next to Norfolk State University. Floodwaters rose during a period of 4-6 hours causing homes to receive upwards of 20" of water on the main level. Needless to say, everything the water touched inside these residences was destroyed. Operation Blessing is asking for strong arms who may be willing to help serve the community by tearing out soaked carpets, tearing out sheetrock and insulation just above the waterline and help clean up resident's homes that do not have insurance or the means to cover it.

When and Where
Volunteers will meet Monday, August 17th - Friday, August 21st at 8:30AM daily on the corner of Joseph St. and Madison Ave. (look for the white tent in front of 1634 Corprew Ave., Norfolk, VA). Volunteers will receive a FREE Operation Blessing T-Shirt, fill out paperwork and begin work by 9AM. Volunteers will be assigned to crews of 6-8, led by an Operation Blessing project foreman. Work days will end at 4PM when all tools will be packed up.

Operation Blessing will provide the necessary tools, MRE's for lunch (you may bring a sack lunch if you prefer) and personal protective equipment (PPE), but volunteers will be responsible for their and transportation. It will also be a good idea to bring a supply of water, though Operation Blessing will have some on site.

Questions may be directed to our Volunteer & Work Coordinator at (757) 274-8650.

Please have the results of the sign-up sheet emailed to or faxed to (757) 277-0231 on Sunday evening.

Let me know if you think this may be possible.


Chris Williams
Project Specialist
Operation Blessing International
U.S. Disaster Relief
977 centerville turnpike ∙ virginia beach, va 23463
office: (757) 226-3428 ∙ cell: (757) 284-9169
fax: (757) 277-0231 ∙ web: [cid:image001.jpg@01CA1DB3.92D9F6F0]

Across the street or around the world

BT served on one of our international teams this summer and was impressed by how missionaries used the surfing culture to reach young people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Even thought he was impacted greatly, he returned home and began working again giving little thought to how God might use that experience back home.

While surfing with some young people recently, one of them turned to him and said, "Wouldn't it be great if we had a Bible study for surfers where we could talk about life." BT was reminded of what he saw overseas and realized that God might be calling him to minister to young people in our local surf culture who may or may not be churched.

Pray that God will give BT the faith and courage to follow God's leadership and reach these young people with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Chef's for Jesus

One of the many bright spots in our missions ministry is a growing group of people who are using their gifts for God's glory. Dennis is a Chef who is a member of our Church and works in Town Center, Virginia Beach. Several months ago, he accepted an invitation to visit the Gosnold apartments. Once he visited. . .he was hooked! He has been leading cooking demonstrations for the residents for close to a year now. He humbly shared with me yesterday that it seems so simple. He just uses his natural talents to share with others and through such a natural demonstration, God works in the lives of people in need.

Pray for Dennis as he is mentoring other Chefs. We are praying that they can work with our other multi-housing and subsidized housing ministries very soon.

Pray that God will continue to raise up laborers for the harvest who take their natural gifts and use them for God's glory!

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Request from our Friends at Va. Supportive Housing

On September 11, 2009, United Way is hosting a project called “DAY OF CARING”. This project provides a way for businesses and organizations to build camaraderie and goodwill among employees while helping the community. I am the Volunteer Coordinator for Virginia Supportive Housing in the South Hampton Roads area, and we need your assistance. We have twenty volunteers scheduled to do landscaping/beautification at one of our property sites, and we need gardening tools (wheel barrows, rakes, hoes, pruning shears, brooms, dust pans, and shovels) to help get this project accomplished. We really would appreciate it if you could donate or loan us some tools.
If you decide to loan us your tools, then please mark each tool that you loan and I will make sure they are accounted for by the end of the project. If you decide to loan/donate us your tools, then I will need them by the first week of September and loaned tools will be returned as soon as possible. Although, if you decide to donate your tools we would greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions, I can be reached at the number/email address listed below. Thank you for your much needed support and generosity.
Many Blessings,

Wonder Burgung (
Volunteer Coordinator
Virginia Supportive Housing
757-622-1162 ext 305

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Community Opportunities

Another purpose of this site is to keep fresh and recent opportunities before you.
We receive on a daily basis requests from local ministries and groups who need assistance.

Norfolk Mentorship Program of Huntersville is hosting a Back to School Bash on August 26 for which school supplies are needed. For more information contact Kris at 757.623.7000.

Salvation Army always has need of volunteers to assist in various ways. For more information contact Volunteer Services/Shelby Moore, 757.543.8100

YMCA of South Hampton Roads is in need of non-perishable food items for their Women in Crisis Domestic Food Shelter. This shelter cares for Women and Children in Crisis. For more information regarding donation needs, you may contact Chandra Mitchell and Sabrina Outlaw at 757.855.4825

Don't forget the toy drive for Outreach for Christ. We will be collecting gently used toys through the month of August in front of the missions center.

Keep Living the Mission!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

GroupServe August Newsletter

Group Serve is the ministry of our church that continues those contacts established at Big Serve. The goal is for all small groups and individuals to serve a minimum of once per month in the
community. The list below is a sample of the opportunities that exist. Live the mission!

New Opportunities in August:

Block Party Ministry—If you are interested in serving with our block party opportunities or if you would like to sponsor one in your neighborhood, contact Susan Briggs at

Christmas in August—Help Outreach for Christ prepare for their Toy Drive this Christmas by donating gently used and new toys at the distribution center outside of the Live the Mission Center. Toys will be received now through August 31st. (Please refrain from donations involving witchcraft and guns.) Various individuals and groups from our church continue to serve alongside this ministry in our
community as well. Contact or 498.4700.

Ongoing Ministries:

Coronado School—We continue to receive donations for the students of this school and their young families. Contact Julie Orts at or 773.0065.

Gosnold Apartments—Weekly ministry at Gosnold Apartments continues on Thursday nights.
Individuals and groups are invited to serve this group of our population who have been chronically homeless. Contact Bob Williams at

Hope for the Hungry—This group is seeking classes and individuals to serve at the Union Mission to provide supplementary ministry to those seeking shelter and food. Regular opportunities exist on
Sundays at 7:15 AM. Contact Adam Cole at

Bobbitt Apartments—The Young at Heart Ministry has adopted our work at Bobbitt and they are now assisting on one Thursday afternoon per month at this facility. This ministry consists of a brief bingo game and Bible study. Contact Jo Rush at 497.8203 or

Cloverleaf Apartments—Ministry opportunities are beginning to open with the residents of this facility. Contact the Winning Walk class.

Off to the Races—Join Wayne Cook as he serves as a chaplain to races in Hampton, Va. Volunteers are needed for this ministry to assist with music, children, and other general needs. Contact Wayne at 409-5806 or