Tuesday, April 30, 2013

InterVarsity @ Mary Washington

Dear Friends,
      I can’t believe we are wrapping up this school year and I am wrapping up my second year at the University of Mary Washington. It has been an exciting year and I’m so grateful for your support and prayers over the course of this year. Students are taking finals and then we leave for Rockbridge (our annual chapter camp with schools from across VA, NC, and SC).
      Before we go, I just wanted to share a couple stories about how the Lord is moving on campus and the ways that He has answered your prayers for these students.
     Big News: We are starting Athletes Ministry! Over the course of the year, more and more athletes have gotten involved in the chapter and with a couple of key student leaders, spent a lot of time praying and dreaming about what the Lord could be doing here and what does it mean for us to intentionally move into pursuing this niche. The beginning of April, LeLe took a risk and started an athletes GIG (Group Investigating God—evangelistic Bible study designed for students who don’t yet know Jesus). Nine new athletes showed up! LeLe has met so many new athletes since. She is praying and dreaming about what it would look like to start one of these GIGs on each athletic team over the course of next year. She knows many athletes representing different teams and has started casting vision for them starting GIGs on their own teams next year. Being an athlete, this is really fun for me. More than that, we are so excited to see how the Lord moves throughout the 22 athletic teams at UMW and the many more club teams. A couple weeks ago, LeLe told me: “I want athletes identities transformed from being found in their sport to being found as children of God.” Would you pray for LeLe as she continues to take risks in pursuing the UMW athletic community?
     On Easter weekend, Abby came to faith! Abby has been very involved in the chapter her whole freshmen year and has taken risks in asking good questions about what it means to follow Jesus. Her small group leaders have pursued her really well, and on Easter decided that she wanted to follow Jesus! Would you pray for Abby as she begins and continues this journey?
      So many other fun stories are happening as students are taking more risks in having spiritual conversations with friends. Katie started a GIG in the biology department. Freshmen are taking more risks into deeper involvement in the chapter. Many are realizing in significant ways how they are a part of God’s bigger story of redemption on this earth and at Mary Washington.
      As Emily put it: “I know I was put here for a reason, but a lot of times we just say that and don’t actually look for the reason or acknowledge it. I know I’m at Mary Wash for a reason and it’s for more than a college education. It’s for being a part of bringing God’s Kingdom to this earth and to Mary Wash.”

Friends, thank you so much for your support and prayers for InterVarsity at Mary Washington. It’s making a significant difference in student’s lives being transformed by the Gospel. You help make these stories possible through your support and prayers. Words cannot express how grateful I am. Would you pray about continuing to support the work at Mary Washington in this coming year? If you have any questions, I would love to talk with you more and share exciting stories about ways that Jesus is moving.  Again, thank you for your incredible support and prayers. It is changing lives at Mary Washington.

By His Grace,

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