Thursday, April 18, 2013

China Center at ODU and the Grand Opening of The Confucius Institute at ODU

Dear friends,

Tomorrow our Chinese friends and community will have a big event starting at 7 PM.
It's the Grand Opening of The Confucius Institute at ODU organized by ODU China Center and Chinese Student and Scholar Association at ODU.
The main speakers is President of ODU and Rep from Chinese Embassy/Chinese University.
There will be some cultural performances.
Our ministry is close with Chinese community and some of you have made a great friendship with many of our Chinese friends.

Here is info about the event sent out by ODU:
"Opening remarks will be given by ODU President John R. Broderick and Minister Counselor Fang Maotian, from the Office of Educational Affairs of the People's Republic of China's United States Embassy, as well as other distinguished state and local officials. The program will also feature Richard T. Cheng, a former Eminent Professor and computer science department chair at ODU and currently a member of the Committee of 100 - a New York-based nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that has a dual mission of encouraging constructive relations between the people of the United States and China and promoting full participation of Chinese Americans in all fields of American life.
During the ceremony, the official plaque for the Confucius Institute at Old Dominion University will be unveiled. Special performances by a martial arts group from the Capital University of Physical Education and Sports in China and folk singers and dancers from Minzu University of China will also be included in the program."

The dateline of the RSVP was on Apr 15th.
But I am asking for more tickets.
If you are interested to attend, please let me know a.s.a.p. to make sure that I have enough tickets.

In Christ,

Kurnia Foe
Global Student Friendship
"Serving Internationals with the love of GOD" ( Lev 19:34 )

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