Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Living the Mission: Neighborhood Bible Studies

A Ladies' Bible Study began in my neighborhood about eight years ago with a simple invitation to all of the fifty or so homes in our neighborhood. The first evening, around twenty ladies came and we began a very basic study of God's Word. We now have a morning and evening group with 20-30 ladies that includes neighbors but also friends. The group of ladies through the years has come from different backgrounds and denominations, but we have gathered around the God's unchanging Word, prayed with and for each other, and praised God together. There are several facilitators who lead the studies, which meet in different homes each week. The gospel has been clearly presented and we have seen God's blessings in so many ways. Many lives and homes are being transformed as we remain faithful to studying God's powerful Word in this way. I believe many ladies in our church could begin "neighborhood" studies such as these and will be surprised at what God will do - I know we have been!

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