Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Living the Mission: The Chesapeake Place

Since March of this year, we have spent one Saturday a month from 1-2:30 with the elderly folks at The Chesapeake Place. First, we visit the Alzheimer’s unit, where six to ten residents typically join us. We open with prayer and then one of our church members plays the keyboard. It is heart-warming to see these folks light up, sway, sing, and clap as they hear familiar tunes. They enjoy it so much that we often repeat the same verse a few times. At 1:45, we pray with them and say our good-byes before packing up the keyboard and walking over to the Assisted Living unit. We usually have about twenty-five to forty of these residents join us. We pass out hymnals to them and then the singing begins! Before long, it’s time to leave; and we close our time with them in prayer. We go there to bless the residents of The Chesapeake Place, but we end up being blessed too!

We would love to have more volunteers join us in this ministry. If you’d like additional information, please contact the missions office at 466.5181.

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