Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Request from Norfolk Schools

Pray with me about this request and let me know how God is leading you to serve:

Good morning,

Before Coronado School for Pregnant Teens closed last June, I provide a Life Skills Education course at for the young ladies. I was always so moved and impressed with all of the wonderful things that your church did and provided for the young girls at Coronado. I am still humbled by your dedication to the girls.

I was saddened with the closing of the school because of the opportunities it provided for the young ladies besides an education. With the school closed, the school system had no programs or policies in place to handle the population now forced to stay in their home schools. Many of the young ladies have dropped out of school or are suffering from severe truancy problems due to doctor’s appointment and child care issues. With this void, I wrote a small grant and program to services these young ladies within their regular schools. I originally assumed I may have 50 girls throughout the five high schools, however, I just started the program in October and already have 100 pregnant teens and young mothers enrolled in the program that I see on a weekly basis. It can be overwhelming because it is just myself. I try to educate the young ladies about the dangers of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, premarital sex and poor decision making skills as well as prenatal care, parenting skills, building healthy self esteem, setting goals for their futures and their child’s future. I come across many youth that have never heard some of the information I present and furthermore, have never heard that God forgives and loves them no matter what. Many of them are lost, homeless, and hurting.

My reason for writing you this letter, besides to praise you and your congregation for all yoursupport is that I would like to continue the partnership your church built with this population of ladies. I was always so amazed at the baby shower you hosted for the ladies and the luncheons. I was hoping that we could rekindle this tradition. Also, there is a huge need for books so the mothers can read to their children; I was hoping you may be able to help with that as well. Some of the ladies are in desperate need of supplies for their children, such as car seats, crib, sheets, strollers, wipes and pampers. I am trying to enlist the help of area churches and community service programs to help with this new program but it has been a slow start. If there is any way your church might be able to help donate any of these items, it would be greatly appreciated.

Again, I thank you for all of your help and consideration in advance. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

I can be reached on my cell phone at ####, as I am out in the community for most of the day.

Yours In Christ,

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