Monday, February 28, 2011

Living the Mission: Global Friendship House (GFH) / Global Student Friendship (GSF)

Global Friendship House (GFH) / Global Student Friendship (GSF)

Approximately 1500 international students from 100+ countries study at Old Dominion University. These students often arrive in the USA with few possessions, limited English language skills, and numerous other cultural and logistical obstacles to overcome. Many will never be invited into an American home.

GFH and GSH seek to welcome international students by supplying airport transportation, providing temporary housing, delivering donated furniture, facilitating English language and American culture classes, hosting monthly events, conducting Bible Studies, and more. Future plans include the construction of Global Friendship House, a safe place for international students to live and learn in community (see for more details).

Those serving with these ministries are often asked why they show such kindness to strangers, at which time they’re able share about the love of Jesus. Students, some of whom had no access to the Gospel in their home country, have come to Christ through the relationships formed with volunteers. One day, they will return to their country equipped with an education that enables them to be leaders who could influence whole countries for Christ.

For more information about how you can become involved with the international student community at ODU, contact the missions office at 466.5181 or

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