Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Living the Mission: Vietnamese Catalyst Team

Testimony – for many years I was bitter because I had to flee my country with two small children and my sister. We were frightened, heartbroken, and didn’t know anyone in this country. I was angry when church people told me that God loved me when He allowed war to tear apart our family and now my children had become fatherless. My sister took me to a Billy Graham crusade in Washington, D.C., and Jesus became very real to me that day. I began to understand, through the Holy Spirit, why church people loved me even though we were not related. I am excited to reach out to the Vietnamese community here and also by returning to Vietnam next month – the first time since the fall of Saigon in 1975! Through the cooperative efforts of the Catalyst Team and other members of our church, an amazing work has begun in the Vietnamese community in Hampton Roads. We have held Bible studies and fellowships on six occasions and had approximately 60 in attendance at the first gathering held at the Crossroads Center. We are praying for even more at the next event, a Thanksgiving Celebration on November 21st. God has also provided a Vietnamese pastor from Northern Virginia to lead Bible studies and worship services in the Vietnamese language. We believe God has orchestrated some amazing things so that a church could be birthed in the very near future as we daily LIVE THE MISSION!

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