Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Living the Mission: Cuffee Community Center

The church has truly left the building to live the mission by making God’s love real to children and adults alike through our ‘Wacky Wednesdays’ program at the Cuffee Community Center. Each Wednesday afternoon, Chesapeake Fellowship offers free music, tutoring, dance, games, crafts, sack dinners, and Bible stories to children in the surrounding neighborhoods. Through this program, we’ve had the privilege of getting to know the Cuffee staff and sharing with them. Through this partnership, our church has been invited to participate in community events and to bring our block party trailer. One staff member told us that we are now “part of the Cuffee family.” Through the relationships we’ve built at Cuffee, God has allowed us to connect with a Vietnamese man and his son. We invited them to our Vietnamese Thanksgiving Celebration on November 21st where the father prayed to receive Jesus! Please be in prayer for our Christmas program at Cuffee on December 15th, which we hope will be an opportunity to connect with additional families and for even more lives to be changed.

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