Saturday, February 13, 2010

Habitat for Humanity Invitation

We received this invitation from Habitat for Humanity recently. In order to accept, we will need a group of our members committed to serving and a project leader who will work as a liaison between our church and Habitat for Humanity.

Dear Mr. Clayton,

My name is Jeanne McDonnell and I am on the Board of Directors for Habitat for Humanity South Hampton Roads. Adam Cole provided my with your email as a point of contact for First Baptist Church of Norfolk. We are very excited to tell you about an opportunity for First Baptist to get involved with Habitat for Humanity. We are getting ready to start building two homes in the Red Mill neighborhood of Virginia Beach. One of the homes has been designated as our first formal Habitat Apostles Build.

An Apostles Build is a Habitat program where twelve (or more) churches come together to raise the money and to provide the labor and prayer support to build a Habitat for Humanity house. This is an opportunity for churches to serve others in the community, in the way that Jesus’ apostles served. Building a house gives members of a congregation a concrete way to put their faith into action. An Apostles Build project also has the potential to build community among churches that have never worked together before.

If you think this is something your church would be interested in, Kathy Wright (Our Faith in Action Manager) and I would love to come out and give you or your designated folks more information. This particular Apostles Build will become a home for the King Family – a beautiful and deserving family with five boys! Their picture and some information is attached.

I hope that First Baptist will consider being one of our 12 churches for the Apostle Build and I look forward to hearing from you.

All the best,

Jeanne McDonnell 757-652-5775

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