Thursday, February 4, 2010

GroupServe February 2010

GroupServe February 2010
February is a great month to express love to our family and friends as well as those around the world. Here are some ways to share the love of God this month:

New Opportunities!!!

February and March are donation months!

Buckets of Hope for Haiti- Members and classes will be invited to take a bucket and a handout with instructions for this relief effort. Donations will be received through March 4, 2010.

Baskets of Blessings- Our Women on Mission and Women’s ministry will be receiving donations as well for local agencies assisting those in need.

Coronado School- Donations of diapers, baby wipes, and other items are being received to benefit the students of the Coronado School as they seek to care for their babies.

Visit the Live the Mission Center for more information.

Ongoing Ministries:

Mentoring Opportunities abound! Two local schools have invited us to send mentors to work with their students. Poplar Halls Elementary School and the Coronado School (teenage mothers) are in need of volunteers.

Mosaic Church- Steve Byrum pastors this church plant in downtown Norfolk that is serving the artistic and university people in our region. Contact Renee Hannas at for more information.

Gosnold Apartments- Weekly ministry at the Gosnold apartments continues on Thursday nights. Individuals and groups are invited to serve this segment of our population who have been chronically homeless. For more information, volunteers may contact Bob Williams at or Stephanie Freeman at 466.5181.

Hampton Roads Regional Jail- Opportunities to minister in English and Spanish exist with Chaplain Gene Sayre. Contact the Missions Office for more information.

Outreach for Christ- Several of our members are involved with this ministry and they would like to invite you to assist with their evangelistic outreaches. For more information, contact or 498-4700.

Park Place Baptist Church- We have several requests from Park Place, which is located in the inner city of Norfolk. You can contact Rev. Terry directly at 622-1847.

What is missing?- This is a brief list of the things that our members are doing to serve, but many other opportunities exist. How is God leading you and your small group to serve? Contact us and let us help your dream become a reality! To contact the missions office, call 757.466.5181 or write

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