Monday, September 9, 2013

BIG SERVE - Letter of Thanksgiving

My relationship with the ladies from Women of Praise Sunday School class began in August 2008 when they decided to bless the women living in the Union Mission Women and Family Shelter for the Big Serve.   On Aug 30th, the class came for the first time to serve dinner, share the gospel, and provide needed items for the shelter.  Six years have passed and Women of Praise continues to faithfully reach out to those who come through our doors.

Their purpose has remained the same, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and minister to those who are hurting.  This has been displayed through their acts of service:  serving a meal, singing, sharing a devotion, giving away prizes, taking prayer requests from the women, and bringing supplies.  What a blessing to know that someone is actively praying for each of the ladies. 

The creativity of Women of Praise has been evident as they carefully plan each visit to the shelter.  Each Bible study is unique.  The women have enjoyed visits from missionaries sharing how God is moving in other countries, a monologue on the story of Ruth, a re-enactment of the Easter Story, a special story teller, and other devotions that touched the heart of the women in the shelter with the wonderful love of God.

Their genuineness and concern for the women in the shelter is always evident as Women of Praise serves.  Often the women of the shelter stay and share their lives and burdens with those who have come. 

Women of Praise has also used their resources to provide for the physical needs of the shelter by providing much needed supplies.  Periodically I receive a call to see what our most needed items are and then someone brings them by.  Every Christmas, each woman receives a pair of Christmas socks and the story of the Candy Cane.

As I reflect on all the ladies from Women of Praise have done, I am reminded of the verse from Matthew  25:40

 And the King will answer and say, “Assuredly, I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to Me.”

Thank you Women of Praise for being the hands and feet of Jesus to the least, the last, and the lost at the Union Mission.  May God bless you!

Jill Gray
Administrator, Women and Family Shelter
Union Mission

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