Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Here is a Great Opportunity to help Contribute to the GLOBAL FRIENDSHIP HOUSE Global Gale Eblast

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Brook Baptist Food Pantry Needs Some Help

Here are some ways you can assist the Brook Baptist Church - Food Pantry Ministry

Current Needs at Brook Baptist Church
September 14, 2012

Fall Festival:                             Block party trailer

                                               3-4 volunteers to help distribute
                                                invitations in our community

4 or 5 volunteers (2 women would be great) to help set up, staff, tear down (We will have lots of volunteers as well.)

Loaves and Fishes Food Ministry:

 Monday or Wednesday a.m. pick ups at local grocery stores (usually between 8 and 10 a.m.)     1-3 volunteers

 Monday packing bags, boxes (between 4 and 7 p.m.).                                                             2-4 volunteers

 Wednesday intake of clients (2:45-5:00 p.m. shift or 4:45-7:00 p.m. shift)                             1-3 volunteers

 Wednesday monitoring of shopping tables (2:45-5:00 p.m. shift or 4:45-7:00 p.m. shift)         1-3 volunteers

 A volunteer at your church willing to gather plastic or paper grocery bags from your members (a constant 
 need as we use between 4 and 500 per week!)

Financial support: 

            Our budget is really very low considering the fact that we distribute over 35,000 lbs. of food per
            month to approximately 600 families.

            If we had greater income, we could purchase healthier food items.  1 in 5 children in America are food
            insecure at some point during the year, but 1 in 3 are obese!

            In addition, our utility costs are very high since we are working in the church building so much.

            Greater income would also give us the opportunity to purchase and distribute more Bibles and
            evangelistic material in other languages since we have a number of other cultures represented in our


Here is listing of some New Ministry Opportunities, and also some Ongoing Ministry Opportunities to get involved in. 247serve Newsletter Sept-oct

Salvation Army - Christmas Assistance Program

Here is a way we can LIVE THE MISSION by helping the Salvation Army Salvation Army Letter - Christmas Assistance

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Outreach for Christ


Prayer Ministry: Several people to come in to help Ramona enter data in the prayer calendar that goes out every Thursday.

 Phone Callers: Several people to call from OFC’s data list. HUGE need. We want to keep in touch with our supporters.

Toy Repair: Several people to help Bob O. with the toy repairs.

 Street Ministry: Men and Women to go out on Friday night with Wayne and his group to witness The Good News of Jesus.

Jail / Prison Ministry: Several people to go into the Virginia Beach and Norfolk Jails. A time to witness!

Data Entry: There is a huge need for help in this department. Will you consider to help?

Clothing Ministry: OFC is so very blessed to receive clothing from many donors, however, the need for help to sort the clothes into the appropriate place, is a great need.

Intake Coordinator: This is work for several people to unpack the donated boxes received; items then, are sent to the appropriate area.

Toy warehouse assistant to Brenda: Someone to help Brenda with all the toys, yard sale items, and all that she needs help with.

 Dolls: The need for people to clean and dress dolls is great. Would you like to play with dolls while preparing them for Christmas gifts?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Helping to Feed the Homeless

Dear Serving Friends at First Baptist Church of Norfolk,

We are so humbled and honored to serve the homeless people at Union Mission Ministries.
With food donation that you gave after event at your church, you helped us to reach 10,000 meals donated to homeless people at Union Mission (since 2011).
Our ministry also partners with Old Dominion University to bring all leftover meals from ODU campus to homeless shelter.
Thank you for your partnership and care for the homeless.

May the Lord continue to bless First Baptist Church of Norfolk families!
God bless,

Kurnia Foe
Global Student Friendship
"Serving International students and family with the love of GOD" ( Lev 19:34 )