Saturday, March 13, 2010

Update from an ESL Opportunity

I have been wanting to share Sandy's story with all of you and she just emailed it to me. Please continue to pray for her as she seeks to serve.

How did I start a ministry of ESL to 2 Chinese internationals? I guess I would say it first began by my lack of obedience to former opportunities. I was asked before, yet it seemed there was always "more time". We're busy, so we'll do it later. Then those individuals moved out of my life and that opportunity was lost.

Recently a Chinese coworker, I'll call her Sing, came to Norfolk, Va Christmas of 2009. She started working in January and I was charged to help get her started. My heart goes out to internationals....that has been a pattern for years. I can relate to feeling like an "outsider" and want to make them welcome. My other coworker, also from China, came before me, March of 2009. We had worked through communication, work styles and as lab manager, I sought to have him excel, helped with his English informally.

Just last week, we met for the first time to do 3 things. First, I had been asked to teach them how to use an oven...they stir fry. (I was also asked to do this before with other Chinese and never did it). So, I brought a 5lb bag of chicken quarters, jar of BBQ sauce, garlic and honey. We prepped the chicken in Sing's modest kitchen, the guy, call him Mao, cleaved the chicken. As I explained source of honey, we made honey garlic chicken, the other 1/2 to be BBQ.

While it cooked, we started to study. I prayed, "Oh God, help me. I 've had a full week, I want to obey you, please use this window of time. I'm not sure where to start." Craig loaned me a book of ESL in the Gospel of I also printed first chapter of Mark for them and copy of first lesson.

Before I even started, Mao asked me, "Is it true that woman was made from the rib of man?' Then he asked about Jesus being God and man, the virgin birth, and Satan. Whew! I answered the best that I could and treasured their openness.

I barely got through Mark 1:1-15. We discussed baptism and John the Baptist (who ate honey, like that on the baking chicken). It was pretty cool how it all connected. After an hour, it was time to eat and gather my 15 yr old son who was playing video games and talking with Sing's 11 yr old son, "Joe".

We had a delightful dinner and continued speaking around the table. My son, David, even tried using chopsticks. I also had baked a simple cake and brought an empty box and frosting to show how it was made. Next time we will prepare it "live".

I left thinking that I did not present the entire gospel plan, yet God led me. I am seeking how to do this again. The time (at lunch or after work) will probably be best on another weekend. I was blessed in many ways. I know God will open up more opportunities. I am convinced that I need to LISTEN to His still, small voice before it is easily drowned out by the busyness of life (if I allow it).
I'm amazed that God can use me.

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