Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Moving Ministry

We received this request today and would like to post it for classes and individuals to consider. It involves a single woman in Virginia Beach who has suffered many health difficulties. Our church has been ministering to her and her family has requested the following assistance:

Saturday, October 24th - 8 AM - Noon - pack items in boxes - all items need to be packed for intended long storage - we need 10 - 15 people who are good at packing items. If they have boxes, tape and newspaper that would be helpful.

Saturday, October 31st - 8 AM - Noon - pack and place items in a big U-haul truck. Looking for people who can move heavy and light objects for secure storage.

This ministry need is a great opportunity for a SS class, Single's Ministry or maybe the Mens ministry who might be able to help in this small but very necessary way.

I will be coordinating the help for these two days. If you are interested, please let me know.

Thank you -

Brett Carroll
Minister of Pastoral Care
First Baptist Church of Norfolk
(540) 623-4114

Live the Mission!!!

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