Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Our First Baptist Builders did a great job at the ODU BCM in partnership with Brett Baddorf, director.  Pray for our Missions VBS team that will be serving here!
A new wall enhanced the welcome of the BCM
A stage addition will enhance the ministry and gatherings of the BCM

A cabinet for the dishwasher was a welcome addition

A sound system cabinet for the control board

More Summer Updates!

We have more opportunities that continue to arise even after we published our local missions newsletter!  Check these out:

ODU Block Party- We will be having a block party this Saturday, June 16 from 1-3p.m.  This will be a great time to pre-register people for our Missions VBS event and interact with the community.  Come early and help set up or participate in the MFC Training at noon!

What is MFC Training?  I'm glad that you asked!  Missionary Follower of Christ training is a time for us to begin the conversation of what is an MFC and how can we grow in this calling.  Join us at the ODU Baptist Collegiate ministry before the block party at noon for a brief overview of this training.  Another training is being planned for July as well.

Gosnold apartments Independence day cookout- Join our Gosnold apartments team as they have a cookout, music, and other activities for the residents of this facility who are recovering from chronic homelessness.  Be sure to note that this event is being held on July 1 from 3:30-6:30p.m. Contact the missions ministry for more information.

I'm sure that there are many more as our members continue to seek ways to intersect with Hampton Roads.  We pray that you find those opportunities to reach out to friends and neighbors over the days ahead as we live life together.  Keep living the mission!