Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter Serve!

I have had the thought over the past few days, "If you can't find an opportunity to serve this Easter, then your SERVER is down!" My prayer is that none of our SERVERS are down, but rather that they are ready to take the Good News to the highways and by-ways of Hampton Roads!

Here are just a few examples of the good things that are in the works:

International Easter Gathering- We have the supreme opportunity to welcome a great group of international college students, staff, and other members of our community for a meal and subsequent worship service at First Norfolk. This is an unprecedented opportunity to share this life-changing message with people who may have never heard about the Jesus of Easter. Table hosts and Servers will have this joyful opportunity to serve on April 7th at 4pm in the Fellowship Hall of First Baptist Church Norfolk. For registration information contact Nancy Cuda at

Gosnold Apartments Easter Celebration- The volunteers who serve regularly at this government subsidized multi-housing facility invite you to join them as they plan to serve a meal and the ultimate message at 2425 Gosnold Avenue. The residents of this facility are people who were chronically homeless in our community and God has given us this great opportunity for over four years now. For more information contact Wilma Gerald at

Welcome Carnival- This is not just another carnival to bring the family out to on April 21st from 12-4p.m., but rather a strategic opportunity to connect with our guests who visit First Norfolk on Easter weekend as well as those who our members are reaching out to as their One person in need of saving faith and a loving church family. Volunteers will be needed for food, bounce houses, and games on this great day of family fun. Contact Don Decker at for registration and an opportunity to serve.

There are many other opportunities along the way for everyone to serve and to reach out to their One, but this gives you a taste of how God is moving among our fellowship. We hope that you will commit to pray and serve in these opportunities in the days ahead as we consider what it means to truly celebrate Easter...not only through our cultural expressions, but through true life change.