Friday, April 30, 2010

Medical Missions @ Home

Check out the link to a talk on medical missions at home by Dr. Bill Prine at First Baptist Church of Norfolk on April 11, 2010.

GroupServe Newsletter (May/June 2010)

The warm weather has returned and it is a great time to get out and share the good news of Christ in Hampton Roads! Find a way to serve:

New Opportunities

Coronado School— Donations of diapers and other goods are being received to benefit the students of the Coronado School as they seek to care for their babies. A baby boutique will be held on June 11, 2010. Please contact Mary Harper at to volunteer.

Handy men/women needed— Poplar Halls Elementary School needs volunteers to install a basketball goal, paint hopscotch squares, and to assist with other needs. Those interested should contact Mrs. Page at 892-3280.

Panera Bread — Volunteers are needed to pick up donated bread at the Town Center location on Thursday evenings and to deliver donations to those in need on Fridays (as designated by the church).

Prayerwalking— We will be joining local festivals and events for times of prayerwalking with the goal of meeting persons of peace who are receptive to the Good News. On May 1 we will be at Mt. Trashmore with the Native American festival that will be held from 11a.m.-6p.m. Check the blog or find our group on Facebook (First Baptist Norfolk’s Big Serve) for additional opportunities as they arise.

Visit the Live the Mission Center and/or for more information.

Ongoing Ministries

Mentoring Opportunities abound! Two local schools have invited us to send mentors to work with their students. Poplar Halls Elementary School and the Coronado School (teenage mothers) are in need of volunteers.

Gosnold Apartments— Weekly ministry at the Gosnold apartments continues on Thursday nights. Contact Bob Willliams at to get involved.

Hampton Roads Regional Jail— Opportunities to minister in English and Spanish exist with Chaplain Gene Sayre. Contact the Missions Office for more information.

Mosaic Church— Steve Byrum pastors this church plant in downtown Norfolk that is serving the artistic and university people in our region. Contact Renee Hannas at to learn more.

Outreach for Christ— Several of our members are involved with this ministry and they invite you to assist with their evangelistic outreaches. For more information, write to or call 498-4700.

Park Place Baptist Church— We have several requests from Park Place, which is located in the inner city of Norfolk. Visit to see how you might help, or contact Rev. Terry directly at 622-1847.

What is missing? This is a brief list of the things that our members are doing to serve, but many other opportunities exist. How is God leading you and your small group to serve? Contact us and let us help your dream become a reality! To reach the missions office, call 757.466.5181 or write

For more information on a regular basis and for testimonies and current opportunities to serve, visit

Thursday, April 29, 2010

American Indian Pow Wow: A Celebration of Life for all People

This event will be held at Mount Trashmore in Virginia Beach from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 1, 2010. It is free and you are able to come for any part of the times listed above.

This Pow Wow is an opportunity to learn about Native American culture as it is showcased through spirited music, intertribal dancing and drumming, and American Indian cuisine. There will be displays and sales of authentic and Indian-inspired arts and crafts as well as educational displays exhibiting artifacts used by American Indians. American Indian foods as well as other festival foods will be available for purchase. We would like to start building relationships within this community and would love for you to join us in this endeavor. You are welcome to go on your own or to go with others from the church. Contact Craig or myself for details.

For more information about the event, please check out their website at:

Here is a sample prayer guide that you can use at the event:

Native American Pow-Wow Prayer Walking Guide

•Pray for social issues faced by Native Americans:
Education (accessibility/importance)
Low self-esteem
Tensions with other people groups
•Pray for NAMB missionaries who are ministering to Native Americans
•Pray for the work with the Sioux nation on Standing Rock Reservation in the Dakotas
with which First Baptist Church of Norfolk is involved
•Pray for healing—Christianity has had a long but not-so-great history in its
interactions with the Native American community
•Pray for Native American Christians to avoid syncretism between their traditional
beliefs and Christianity and to be fully committed to Christ while still
recognizing the inherent value in their culture and striving to maintain and honor
their heritage

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Outreach for Christ Yard Sale

Outreach for Christ is in need of younger guys to help with their upcoming yard sale. They need assistance with set-up April 26th-29th and then with take-down on May 1st, 3rd, and 4th.

All of the yard sale boxes and furniture to be sold will be set up from the 26th - 29th. The evening of Wednesday April 29th, a meal will be provided for all workers at 6:00 pm.

The take-down of items not sold will begin on Saturday, May 1st at 4:00 pm. Those items will be put into boxes to go to another ministry, which will pick up on May 3rd.

Outreach for Christ is located at 2425 Bowland Parkway in Virginia Beach. Please direct any questions to them at 757.498.4700 or

Monday, April 19, 2010

Taste of India 2010

Just wanted to make y'all aware of an upcoming event that is an opportunity for us to connect with the Indian community in our area. This annual festival is an opportunity to learn about the cultural, political, historical, and economical climate of India as well as to experience Indian food, art, etc. We would like to start building relationships within this community and would love for you to join us in this endeavor. This is also an opportunity to pray for India and the work that God is doing there. For more information about the event, please check out their website at: You are welcome to go either on your own or with a group from the church--we are planning to have one group leave after the 12:30 service and one later in the afternoon. FYI--parking and admission are free. Contact Craig ( or myself ( for details.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Work Day at Park Place Baptist Church

Park Place Baptist Church is having a work day on Saturday, April 24th. Their plan is to dig drainage ditches in order to alleviate flooding in their basement rooms. They are looking for some strong helpers for the task; the engineering part has all been worked out already. They are also trying to get floors and steeple painted. We are holding missions training @ First Baptist Norfolk that morning, but if anyone is willing and able to go help after the training, they would very much appreciate your assistance. Please contact Roni Porfert with any questions you might have, either via email at or by phone at 622-1847.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Crisis Pregnancy Center Walk for Life

Here's what YOU can do...

SHARE the ministry of CPC
Tell people them why you love and support this ministry!

ASK them to walk with you
Any location, any weekend!

GIVE them a Walk for Life brochure from your Recruiter Packet.
Ask them to fill out the registration.
If you don't have any Walk Brochures, just simply get their
name, address, phone and email address.

COLLECT their registrations! (This is the REALLY IMPORTANT PART!!!)

You can fax (757-389-5627), email ( or mail (1021 Eden way N. Ste. 116 Chesapeake 23320)their registrations to the CPC office.

You will get the credit for registering these walkers and possibly win the GRAND PRIZE this week!

Remember WHY we NEED 1000 Sponsored Walkers...
more lives saved, more hearts spared!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chesapeake Project Homeless Connect

On April 22nd our church will be assisting with Project Homeless Connect, a one-day event where homeless individuals and families can come to one location to access services. The event will be held at the Cuffee Center in Chesapeake from 1:00-6:00 p.m. If you are able to set up or tear do...wn, have an interest in prayer walking, or would like to come out to interact with the participants, we can use your help! Please contact Stephanie Freeman at or 466.5181 to get involved. You can also check out the website below for additional information.

Missions Training

On Saturday, April 24th, we will have our annual missions training program. This will be an opportunity where our volunteers can become more familiar with some of the elements of missions ministry.

The program will begin with a pre-lab session from 9 to 10 a.m., Urban Church Planting, in the Fellowship Hall. This will be followed by these sessions:

10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Session 1 – Children’s Ministry

Cross-cultural VBS




Session 2 – Evangelism



Street evangelism

11 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Session 3 – Leadership training for pastors and lay leaders

Session 4 – Hands-on training for sessions 1 and 2

Medical Missions Luncheon

THIS Sunday, April 11th, at 12:30 p.m. we will be having a Medical Missions Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall. Please consider joining us for this time of training and fellowship with Dr. Bill Prine. Come learn about living the medical mission! For details or to RSVP, contact Karen Tucker at or call 466.5181.