Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A New Opportunity with the Cloverleaf

When the Winning Walk class accepted the challenge of serving at the Cloverleaf Apartments, they may not have known what they were getting into. This new residence in Virginia Beach is a housing development managed by Virginia Supportive Housing. It houses 60 residents from the surrounding area who were chronically homeless. The first residence that our Church partnered with was the Gosnold apartments in Norfolk, Virginia on the corner of Gosnold avenue and 25th street. First Norfolk members have been serving there for two years now.

The Winning Walk class was able to do great things in ministering to the residents through a cookout with live music and games. Many of their members circulated and shared their motivations for coming out on such a hot day. They were there because the love of Christ compelled them. It was evident in everything that they said and did.

Subsequently, four residents attended our church on the following Sunday (with transportation provided by our members), others have asked about attending on a Wednesday evening, and the class hopes to begin a monthly ministry with the residents playing games and sharing in Bible study.

This is a group who has taken the challenge of Big Serve and is LIVING THE MISSION!
While God has opened many doors, they would like to involve others in serving when they are unable to during the month. If there is a class or an individual who is interested in serving at the Cloverleaf, contact Susan Briggs in the Missions office of our Church and we will assist in connecting you to this wonderful ministry!

Gosnold Residents Say Thank You!

One of our Big Serve events was at the Gosnold apartments in which two classes were responsible for the food and worship time with residents. Many people were able to spend time with the residents and encourage them spiritually. Our orchestra was able to play for the residents for the first time and it was a very special event for those in attendance.

Don't forget!
We have an ongoing ministry there on Thursday evenings and some residents visit our Church on Sunday mornings as well. Volunteers are always needed to serve with this ministry and more information can be obtained from Bob Williams at or Susan Briggs at 461.3226.

It is about time!

It has taken some time, but we are finally up and running with bigserve247! (That is not two hundred forty seven, but twenty four seven) This is an attempt to share a portion of what we hear on a regular basis from our teams and individuals who are serving locally. This will be a place to post our Group Serve newsletter as well as testimonies, thank you notes, etc. related to our local ministry. It will also be a clearing house for opportunities that appear on the radar. You will be able to visit and read about all that God is doing within a few days of the day that you are logging on.

So welcome! It is going to be a great ride. One small step for missions at First Norfolk, One giant leap for the Kingdom of God reaching Hampton Roads and the world!